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Sun October 29, 2023 South Pasadena, CA 91030 US Directions

Frequently Asked Questions

Registration, Bib & T-shirt Pick Up 
All bib and t-shirt pick up will be available on Saturday (10/28/23) from 10:00 A.M. - 6:00P.M |

Only those who have paid extra for VIP Race Day Packet Pick Up can pick up their bib on Sunday (10/29/23) from 5:30A - 6:45 A.M. 

You must show ID to pick up your bib. If you are picking up a bib for someone else, you must show a copy of their ID (this can be a photo on your phone) and you must provide a waiver signed by that person. This waiver must be printed on paper and left at registration after you get your bib. Download the waiver at this link.

Location: South Pasadena Metro Station Courtyard area | 1006 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030. This is located across from the metro station courtyard. 
It is recommended that you take the metro as public parking is at a premium. Part of R110 is that we enjoy the day without cars by accessing the metro. There are 5 Metro access stations from the start to the finish of the run/walk portion of the event. Enjoy the  ArroyoFest event after the conclusion of the run. 

T-Shirt Pick-up 
For those who paid extra to pick up their items on the day of the event or who paid for bib mailing, we encourage you to wait to pick up the shirts after you cross the finish line. The registration area will be open until 1:00 P.M. for people to return (use the metro !). 

Parking (Leave Your Car at home): 
Limited parking around the start of the event. We recommend you park your car away from the area and access the closest metro. The start of the event is just 100 yards west of the South Pasadena Metro Station. Arrive ready to line up and run/walk. Parking is available primarily on Grand Avenue, located West of the start line, on Arroyo Drive near the 110 FWY, and on Fair Oaks. 

Commemorative Metro Tap Card : 
Those who registered in 2022 (when the event was postponed) will have the option to either get a sponsored trucker hat OR a commemorative metro tap card, not both. We extended the metro tap card through August 30, 2023. All those who registered prior to this date will receive the tap card. Commemorative tap cards will also be available for purchase until supplies run out. 

T-shirts are guaranteed to Pre-Registered participants only prior to October 15, 2023. If you register after the cut-off date, we will do our best to project the amount needed. 

Awards, Finisher Medals & Results : 
The event is being capped at 4,500 participants. All will receive their commemorative Finisher Medal once they cross the finish line on Sunday. Division Winner and prize Money awards will be provided at 9A in the stage area near the finish line. 
Remember, all elite runners must be cleared and approved by the event director, Jose Luis Zavala, Elite runners must share and like the Aztlan Athletics FB and Instagram page and specifically mention that they are competing for the prize money award. 
Results will be available dynamically. There will be a results kiosk at the finish, and you can use your phone to access time via a QR Code. 

Hydration & Snacks 
Water Station and electrolytes will be available at the halfway mark along the route. Sponsored by Perfect Hydration & KOE. A full bottle of Kabucha & Perfect Hydration will be provided in the finish line area. Hydration is only available to runners with a bib. Fruit and other snacks will also be available in the finish line area. There will also be food trucks and access to other consumables for purchase at the finish. 

VIP Gear Check-in & Drop-Off at the Finish: 
Those who purchase this VIP gear drop off and pick up at the finish line option can retrieve their bags, which will be located in the Aztlan Athletics trailer, which will be parked near the finish line on Avenue 26th. 

General Gear Check-In & Pick-Up 
There will be a general bag drop-off at the registration & bib pick-up area. It will close by 1:00 P.M. Aztlan Athletics is not responsible for any lost items or valuables. We will keep your bags based on your assigned bib number. 

What To Do if Metro is Crowded: 
Metro carts can carry up to 350 people at a time. They increased the capacity and frequency between 5:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Runners/Walkers will be able to walk back on the freeway as another option. You can also access other metro stations along the way back to the start, as each station is approximately 1.5 miles apart. 

Course Route : 
Review the route before the day of the race. This is primarily a flat route. You will start through a 20’ wide corral and stay in that until you enter the freeway. Stay on the left side of the runner's lane, as you will need to share half a mile of the initial portion of the course with slower runners. 

ArroyoFest Open Streets : 
The day has just begun after you complete R110. You will be part of a larger festival with three separate activity hubs with various vendors and resources throughout the entire route, including music entertainment (bands, DJ, etc). Come prepared to enjoy the day full of festivities throughout the 7-mile stretch. 

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